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Rules of Order

Michelle Byrne
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Virtual Convention
Wisconsin Council 32
May 16, 2020

RULE 1:   REGISTRATION: Delegates will provide a phone number to be called at in order to participate in the virtual convention. Delegates will be called between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. on May 16, 2020. Delegates will be muted and required to push 0; a member of staff or of the credentials committee will call on them; the delegate will state their name and local number, at which time they will be registered for convention. Registration will end promptly at 10:00 a.m., when business will begin. Delegates, once registered, are expected to stay on the line for the entirety of the convention.

Credentials will not be accepted after 9:00 a.m. on the day of convention.

RULE 2:   CONVENTION SESSION: The meeting of the convention of Wisconsin Council 32 shall be called to order on Saturday, May 16, at 10:00 a.m.

RULE 3:   QUORUM: A quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special convention shall consist of delegates representing not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the affiliated locals entitled to representation at the convention.

RULE 4:   RESOLUTIONS: Any local or member may submit a resolution for convention action no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 14.

RULE 5:   RECOGNITION FROM CHAIR: To be granted the floor, a delegate shall indicate the desire to speak and receive recognition from the Chair. The delegate shall state their name and local number before the delegate's views are expressed.

RULE 6:   DEBATE PROCEDURE: No question shall be subject to debate until it has been made, seconded, and stated from the Chair.

RULE 7:   QUESTION OF ORDER: If a question of order is called while a delegate is speaking, the delegate shall, at the request of the Chair, be asked to stop speaking until the question of order is decided.

RULE 8:   ENTITLEMENT TO FLOOR: Should two or more delegates want to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which one is entitled to the floor. This decision is not subject to appeal.

RULE 9:   QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE: No delegate shall interrupt another delegate who has the floor except to rise to a point of privilege. The Chair shall determine whether the point raised is a question of privilege. Appeals from the decision of the Chair shall have the support of 1/3 of the voting delegates.

RULE 10:   TIME LIMITATION: Speeches on matters of business shall be limited to five minutes, but the time may be extended by a simple majority of voting delegates.

RULE 11:   ORDER OF SPEAKING: A delegate may not speak a second time upon the same question until all delegates wishing to speak have had an opportunity to do so.

RULE 12:   REQUEST FOR DIVISION: A call or demand for a division of the convention shall require the support of 1/3 of the voting delegates.

RULE 13:   REQUEST FOR ROLL CALL: A request for roll call vote on any motion shall be supported by 1/3 of the voting delegates.

RULE 14:   PRIORITY OF VOTE: Whenever a roll call or division of the convention has been ordered, no adjournment or recess or special order of business shall be in order until the vote has been taken and the results announced.

RULE 15:   ROLL CALL PROCEDURE: Whenever a roll call vote is to be taken, the Executive Director, or his/her designee, shall call each Local by name and by number, and shall indicate the number of votes to which each is entitled. Locals shall be called in numerical order by district, and the order of districts shall be determined by lot. The CHAIR of the delegation shall respond, state name, and cast the votes as determined by that body. When the roll call has been completed within any district, those Locals that did not respond at the time of the first call shall again be called in numerical order. A Local failing to cast its votes in response to the second call shall be deemed to have forfeited its right to vote.

If the accuracy of the vote cast by a Local is questioned by any other delegate from such Local, such delegate shall indicate their desire to speak, state name, and challenge the vote. In the event that a vote is so challenged, the Executive Director, or his/her designee, shall poll the delegates from such Local individually. Such Local votes shall be recorded in accordance with the votes cast by the delegates individually.

RULE 16:   ROLL CALL TELLERS: Whenever a roll call vote is to be taken, the Chair shall appoint three official tellers who shall record the votes cast by each Local.

RULE 17:   RESULTS ANNOUNCED: Whenever a roll call vote has been taken and all delegates present have had an opportunity to cast their votes, the ballot shall be declared closed. Announcement of the vote shall be made by the Chair as soon thereafter as the results have been tabulated by the official tellers.

RULE 18:   VOTING ELIGIBILITY: To be entitled to vote, a delegate must have been properly seated by the convention. The Credentials Committee reports, as approved by the convention, shall be the basis for determining which delegates are properly seated.

RULE 19:   MOTION TO RECONSIDER: A motion to reconsider shall not be entertained by the Chair unless made by a delegate who voted with the prevailing side, and such motion shall be entertained only during the session.

RULE 20:   SUSPENSION OF RULES: These Rules of Order may be suspended by a simple majority of voting delegates.

RULE 21:   VOTING CLARIFICATION: All motions or procedural votes will pass or fail based on voting delegates.

RULE 22:   ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER: Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the guide in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution, these rules, and other special rules of this organization.